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Question How to add equations/latex in an Elementor page



New Member
Hello !

I'm really new with Elementor/WordPress and all of this so, I apologize if the question is common (I'm pretty sure it is but I didn't find informations on the web)

How can I add equations (I am used to write them in Latex) with Elementor ? Is there a plugin compatible with Elementor ?

Thanks a lot !


New Member
This question is still open :( If somebody has the answer
Koni Kodes

Koni Kodes

I'm not sure this will help, but in Text Editor the Secial Character will open.


If it doesn't let you do what you want, then create the formulas in a Google Doc and use the free (as far as I know) EmbedPress plugin.


New Member
Thanks, Koni for replying!

No, the special character section won't help. I have to embed complicated equations, which is why I use Latex which can be visualized well on websites. I use MathType through Word, which lets me copy/paste equations as Latex into WP. Previously, I've used Jetpack to resolve the latex, but that doesn't work in the Elementor page builder.

The embed plugin you sent me sounds very interesting and may solve other issues that I am having. But I didn't see anything specific about Latex or equations, so I have sent the plugin developer a message asking for more information.

Koni Kodes

Koni Kodes

Hi Amanda,
I am sorry I couldn't be of more help. I hope the author of the plugin can help.
Please let me know when it is up and running.


New Member
Hello all,

I would like to design a website with elementor including math formulas.

With gutenberg editor i use the plugin "WP QuickLaTeX " allowing me to display math formulas by typing for instance this code in a paragraph :
$\overrightarrow { { M(F) }_{ O } } =\overrightarrow { OA } \wedge \overrightarrow { F } $ .

How can i display a complex math formula with elementor ? Is there a compatible plugin ?




New Member
I have been using MathJax 3.0 to render LaTeX code on my Elementor site without any problems. You can load it using a simple JavaScript, and use it like you would in LaTeX with maths delimiters. You can either load MathJax by using the MathJax wordpress plugin, or just add a script in your theme header.php file. I prefer the latter because it offers more versatility as to what packages I want to load and equation numbering etc. Let me know if I can be of more help! (You can see an example of my implementation at physicswithease .org/study-guides/introduction-to-vector-analysis-ch-1-curl-gradient-and-divergence/)
Last edited:


New Member
Thanks, Koni for replying!

No, the special character section won't help. I have to embed complicated equations, which is why I use Latex which can be visualized well on websites. I use MathType through Word, which lets me copy/paste equations as Latex into WP. Previously, I've used Jetpack to resolve the latex, but that doesn't work in the Elementor page builder.

The embed plugin you sent me sounds very interesting and may solve other issues that I am having. But I didn't see anything specific about Latex or equations, so I have sent the plugin developer a message asking for more information.

Hi Amanda,
To display maths on your wp site with elementor, I suggest using MathJax. Just go into your theme's header.php file under 'Customise->Theme Editor'. And add:
<script>MathJax = {
    loader: {
    load: ['[tex]/physics']
  tex: {
    packages: {'[+]': ['physics']},
    inlineMath: [['$', '$'], ['\\(', '\\)']],
    tags: 'all',
    processEnvironments: true
  svg: {
    fontCache: 'global'
<script type="text/javascript" id="MathJax-script" async

That's just the script I use, but you can customise it to suit your need by reading the documentation on MathJax's website. Hope this helps,



New Member
Hello !

I'm really new with Elementor/WordPress and all of this so, I apologize if the question is common (I'm pretty sure it is but I didn't find informations on the web)

How can I add equations (I am used to write them in Latex) with Elementor ? Is there a plugin compatible with Elementor ?

Thanks a lot !

There is a solution to make the “WP QuickLaTeX ” plugin work. The fact is Elementor is using a priority level in WordPress filters that is higher than WpQuickLatex's one. Therefore, the Elementor plugin doesn't load WpQuickLatex's processed images.

Elementor's priority is 9999999, when WpQuickLatex's is only 7.

To make WpQuickLatex plugin work with Elementor, you have to elevate it's filters' priority. Let's set it at 10000000 (which is higher than 9999999).

The solution is in the attached document.




  • Make WP QuickLatex work with Elementor.png
    Make WP QuickLatex work with Elementor.png
    274.1 KB · Views: 12
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