Staff member
This question has come up a few times, we typically do this using a combination of code snippets and Elementor shortcodes, but obviously you can adapt this to work with other forms of code insert.
So we create sections in elementor section builder and design a nice block, for example maybe a posts block section to show related posts
Then once we have the shortcode for the section we wish to insert, we add the shortcodes to this function:
Which adds these sections to every 4th paragraph.
If you wanted to use code, instead of shortcodes, for example Google adsense. THen you would use something similar to this ( this is untested )
So we create sections in elementor section builder and design a nice block, for example maybe a posts block section to show related posts
Then once we have the shortcode for the section we wish to insert, we add the shortcodes to this function:
function insert_random_shortcode_every_fourth_fifteenth_paragraph($content){if (is_singular('post')){$shortcodes = array('[elementor-template id="1562"]', '[elementor-template id="1562"]', '[elementor-template id="1562"]');
$paragraphs = explode("</p>", $content);
$new_content = '';
$paragraph_counter = 0;
foreach ($paragraphs as $paragraph){$new_content .= $paragraph;
// If this is the 4th paragraph or a multiple of 15 after that, add a random shortcode
if ($paragraph_counter == 4 || ($paragraph_counter > 4 && ($paragraph_counter - 4) % 15 == 0)){$random_shortcode = $shortcodes[array_rand($shortcodes)];
$new_content .= $random_shortcode;
// Add closing paragraph tag (it was removed in explode function)
$new_content .= '</p>';
return $new_content;
else {
// If not a single post, return the content unmodified
return $content;
add_filter('the_content', 'insert_random_shortcode_every_fourth_fifteenth_paragraph');
Which adds these sections to every 4th paragraph.
If you wanted to use code, instead of shortcodes, for example Google adsense. THen you would use something similar to this ( this is untested )
function insert_adsense_every_fourth_fifteenth_paragraph($content){if (is_singular('post')){$adsense_codes = array(
'<div class="adsense-ad">YOUR ADSENSE CODE 1 HERE</div>',
'<div class="adsense-ad">YOUR ADSENSE CODE 1 HERE</div>'
$paragraphs = explode("</p>", $content);
$new_content = '';
$paragraph_counter = 0;
foreach ($paragraphs as $paragraph){$new_content .= $paragraph;
// If this is the 4th paragraph or a multiple of 15 after that, add a random AdSense code
if ($paragraph_counter == 4 || ($paragraph_counter > 4 && ($paragraph_counter - 4) % 15 == 0)){$random_adsense_code = $adsense_codes[array_rand($adsense_codes)];
$new_content .= $random_adsense_code;
// Add closing paragraph tag (it was removed in explode function)
$new_content .= '</p>';
return $new_content;
} else {
// If not a single post, return the content unmodified
return $content;
add_filter('the_content', 'insert_adsense_every_fourth_fifteenth_paragraph');