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Aha, now I see it. New here. Need help.



New Member
Hi. I posted already and didnt see this thread. So hi!

Since it is the introduction:

I am a musician and tour guide. I have been working as a musician the longest but do both seriously. I am making my own new webpages, and am neither a coder nor a Webdesigner...... I need websites for my band, for me and for my tours. I have all websites already, only one is up and running and it looks like... well.. I did it.. Not good. But I now have Elementor Pro and have spent a lot of time learning how to use it, but only wysiwyg, I do not code. I can copy and past and I am ok with going into coded areas, but anyway...

So now I obviously have the time... sigh.... and I cant afford a web designer anyway, so I am doing it all myself. I have a basic grasp of WordPress and Elementor pro, but most of what I know is Elementor pro. I do not need a lot of costly add-ons, as much as I would like, so I am hoping I can do some more intricate stuff with only elementor pro and hopefully free plug ins..?? Here is a link to my first thread. OK, I cant post a link but it is in the Elementor Help and Support thread, the only one from me. It has the usual website stuff but is calledc: elementor-pro-need-sticky-shrink-header-then-a-fixed-slider-that-disappears-into-content.5752/

Please let me know if I need to put this somewhere else. And thanks in advance for any help. And in th etitle of my question I siad elemntor pro, I am not a pro I have it... I hope that wasnt confusing.....

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